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August 19, 2004

Day 8 - Minneapolis

Odometer: about 18,300

Leaving Illinois

I am in a library in Minneapolis, and I hate using public terminals. If I leave to, say, check my odometer, I'll lose my spot. I also can't upload pics, so you'll have to wait on those.

Anyway, I left Chicago, and drove up Sheriden rd, along the lake for a while. I stopped for lunch, and met a biker, Torris, who is part of the Rolling Thunders club. We chatted for a while, I told him what I was up to, he told me about rallies I should go to, and that to head towards Minnesota the best ride was up Route 12. So I took a left on 173 for a few miles and headed up through Wisconsin on route 12.

Torris was right, it is a beautifull ride. Through fields of corn and tobbaco (I'll show you pictures as soon as I can upload them...) What he didn' meantion was the wind...


Wisconsin, at least in the south east, is very flat farmland, speckled with trees. The result, at least while I was riding, was dramatic wind gusts. Now, when I rode down to Boston, I thought it was windy. I take that back... I was leaning into the wind, as if taking a turn, just to stay in lane. Every time a truck passed me, or I went under a tunnel, or I passed a group of trees, I had to stop leaning as the wind cut out. It was a real effort, and, at first, kinda scary, until I got used to it. Still, everynow and then, a gust would catch me, and I would slide a couple feet before I could recover.

Then, because it follows me like the plague, it started raining again. On the plus side, the wind let off some. I put on my raingear and kept going.

By now I was heading into the central part of the state and it starts being a little more hilly here. (pics when I can get online for real...) These are really beautifull landscapes I must say. It is the first time that the countryside doesn't look like Massachusetts to me. The trees are different, the colors are too. I finally feel out of the Northeast. Chicago had the lake, of course, but the countryside could still have been hidden somewhere in MA. Wisconsin can't.

When I hit 94, I stopped on the side of the road to debate taking 12 all the way to St. Paul/Minneapolis when I cop pulled up and told me that there was massive construction on 12 and that I would enjoy 94 much more. This is the third cop I meet, and I've either gotten a "nice bike" comment, or some riding tips. I'm confused... Normally cops scare me, now they're helping me? What's up with that???

But he was right, and 94 was a nice ride. It even stopped raining. More rolling hills, with speckles of trees. Occasional overlooks that go forever in a country that isn't full of mountains. It's amazing how much farther the horizon can look when you don't live in a valley.

I was approaching the border with Minnesota as the sun was setting. I gotta say, there is something to be said about riding into the sunset (pic to come). It grows cold fast here after dark. I had to stop and get the lining of my jacket out of my bags, and put the gloves on. I heard the temperature dropped to 41 degrees last night. Add windchill and you have one cold Frenchman. Wasn't so bad when I got the cold weather gear on, and I was only an hour away from my stop.


I drove through St. Paul and part of Minneapolis. At night, they look like all big cities. I'm staying with Sabrina, an old friend from France I grew up with but hadn't seen in years. She travels a lot for her job, but she's in town this week. She does not, however, have the internet at her house, which is why I'm stuck writing this post in a library. My time is running out, so... that is all for today!

Posted by Cyclops at August 19, 2004 04:14 PM


Wow, your blog is working supurbly! Great job!

Its great reading your stories of nasty crosswinds and rain because they put me right there with you! Not to mention sunsets and temperature drops...

I am beginning to think I am going to be able to do the same thing to you when you get back that you have done to me in the past- you know, when we are at a party and it is just too quiet or boring I will get to put a couple glasses of wine into you and just casually mention the words 'motorcycle' and 'cross country road trip' and the party will come alive!

Was great to hear your voice while I was lying on the beach here in Charleston a couple days ago.

Ride on brother, ride on!

Posted by: Crippy at August 19, 2004 05:59 PM

Hello to Sabrina for me! And Ashley too! Glad you caught her home!
Bisous, am off to Croatie for a week. Sarah is holding down the fort, with cats, in our absence.
I'll email you a pix, and look forward to yours!

Posted by: lea at August 19, 2004 09:46 PM

I'm enjoying reading about your trip. I've driven across Wisconsin on 94, and it really is nice. It's unseasonably cold up there right now...you shouldn't keep freezing. :)

Posted by: Kristie at August 20, 2004 12:40 PM

Crippy: can't wait!
Kristie: I'm glad you're keeping an eye on me. I should be in your neck of the woods in 2-3 weeks!
Mom: Have fun in eastern europe. I need to go check out that part of the world someday. Maybe after Australia...

Posted by: cyclops at August 21, 2004 06:46 AM

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