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August 17, 2004

Day 6 - North of Chicago: Evanston

A house by the lake

So, Cleveland was a blast, and for the one night I spend at Willis' house, I got treated to his gourmet foods, but Felix went the extra miles...

Felix lives in Evanston, just north of Chicago. I followed Lakeshore Drive till it stops to get there. Here's a sample view of what you can see off of that road:

Felix lives in a huge house, a block away from the lake. I got there before he did, and he suggested I drop off my bags and go take a drive up Sheriden Rd which takes over where lakeshore drive ends and follows up around the lake, keeping about a block or so away from the lake.

I pulled up to the house (which is having some work done on it). It is the biggest house I've ever slept in I think. His nanny opens the door for me and shows me a room to drop my bags in, and I head out for an hour or so. I stopped a couple times to enjoy the view...

These are from a side road off of Sheriden Drive.


This is me walking on the shore all decked out in leather. You can see my hand's reflection in the sunglasses, that's how much of a pro I am ;P

There is also an impressive Bahai temple on Sheriden, that I found warrented a couple pictures:

Anyway, when I get back, Felix is still at work, but his wife is up. She is about to give birth to twin boys, and, Carol, if you're reading this... you ain's seen nothing yet. She'll be having the kids within a week, and she was big. A really nice woman, we chatted for a while before Felix got in.

Then he took me for a ride on his Jetsky after offering me a couple beers. The thing is a beast. It has a bigger engine than my bike. 1200cc... it can hit 60mph on the water, but I wasn't able to take it above 50, and trust me, that's allready scarry. I hit a wave at that speed and was in the air for over a second. Count out a second... that's a long time to fly...

Then dinner. He had delivered this delicious meal, grilled salmon, and some other amazing sides.

Next day I took my bike to get checked out, and have an oil change. I probably didn't need it, but I'd been pushing it and with all the rain I was getting a couple rattles that I wanted a mecanic to hear. It's all cleared up now.

Felix took me to his morning job. He had been at the hostpital with his wife who almost gave birth, but... it wasn't for that day. His morning job is at a Trading company. I'd never seen how that works. These guys have 4 to 5 monitors, these special keyboards with huge BUY and SELL buttons on them, all sorts of numbers flashing on the screens, graphs, mostly stuff that I have no idea what it reffers to. His afternoon job he goes into Chicago and is a pit trader. You've seen the movies with wall street, and all the shouting, and gesturing... That's Felix.

Anyway, I got treated to another amazing seafood dinner, including a pile of oysters, and I'm about ready to crash. I want to get up early tomorrow and get on the road. The plan is to follow up the lake, then cut west and make my way down towards South Dakota, where Allison may well have found me a place to sleep! Thanks babe!

Next entry probably won't be for a couple days cause I don't think I'm gonna make it to South Dakota tomorrow night given my tortuous route up the lake first, but... I'm in it for the ride, not the destination...

Posted by Cyclops at August 17, 2004 10:15 PM


someone posted this link http://www.couchsurfing.com/ in my lj. it seems slightly weird to me, but it might help you.

Posted by: Allison at August 18, 2004 08:19 AM

That is just too sweet.
Have fun in the Dakotas!

Posted by: Jeff at August 18, 2004 09:44 AM

David, I'm waiting for a reply directly from Kittie's mom now re: the Minnisota "cabin"


Check out the "cabin" and its whereabouts. I read that it is 90 miles NE of Duluth and 18 miles from Grand Marais... Sounds spendid, which Kittie assures it is. She suspects her mom will take you in with open arms, remembering the Giverny picnic I gave for her and her grandson.
More info later.

Posted by: lea at August 18, 2004 01:09 PM

I'm glad to hear you're still in Illinois, since it's unlikely I will miss you next week. I've linked to your site (or will, immediately after I hit "Post.") Be safe.

Posted by: Kristie at August 19, 2004 12:29 PM

Very nice. And that Bahai temple just reminds me of sugar or lace.

So is the purpose of this Oddessy just to drive, or to see everything? And how's the housing search going?

Posted by: Tricia at August 19, 2004 02:33 PM

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