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August 11, 2004

D-Day - 1

Trip to Boston: "Prequel to the Odyssey"

Indeed, the trip down to boston tought me a whole lot of things I hadn't found out before, and the ride was quite a bit of an adventure. Let me explain...

My bike has recently passed the 16,000 miles marker, and was due for a scheduled maintenance. So I did that Tuesday morning, before leaving. My front tire needed to be changed because it was starting to wear thin, and since I'm about to leave on a long trip, I should probably get a new one. So I did.

Just before I took of for Boston, the mechanic tells me: "Take it easy for the first 30 miles on that tire". Ok, I'll bite...

"Well, they coat them with a protective coat that makes them slipery, until the coat wears off."

Okay.... So I head to the highway and I indeed have very little traction with that tire. It's ok, I ride slow around corners, which is the only place I really notice it.

Then I hit the highway. And apparently so does the tail end of some major weather pattern, because it is windier than I've ever experienced on a bike. Add that to the slipery front tire, and it gets pretty scarry at 65mph... I can't even lean the bike a little without feeling like it's going to slip out from under me, and those curves that look nice and smooth on the Mass Pike suddenly become quite dauting to take on...

It took about 50 miles of wear on the tire before the sliperiness wore off, but the wind was still rough. Though I did catch myself a number of times just following traffic, and when I glanced down I was almost going 80. My baby's got some guts... I wasn't even pushing her.


I got to see some of my friends from Boston, David, Ned&Laura, Lief. It was good to say goodbye. Ned, whose been out in the Southwest gave me a list of places I had to go to. Thanks Ned.

The trip back was a new adventure again. First time riding in the rain... Luckily, I was smart and brought my rain gear, so I didn't get wet. I was afraid I'd overheat, but the wind kept me nice and cool.

My impression of the rain? Meh, not something to look forward to, reduces traction somewhat but not too much. Pretty much if I stay in lane I don't have any problems; changing lanes requires some extra attention; and when they do construction and shift the lanes to the right into the breakdown lane, and make you ride over that band that makes your tires rumble if you drive off the side of the road, well, that's no fun.

All in all, other than the wind that really makes you work, I had a good ride. That wind though... it plays rough. It tries to make you change lanes when you don't want to, and tries to make you fall when you turn. Gotta pay attention to that at 70mph...

Tomorrow is the big day... I'm ready, rain or shine.

Posted by Cyclops at August 11, 2004 04:49 PM


Hey Dave, even though I've lately just come back from Japan I am insanely jealous of you. I wish I had some friends in the distant spans to which you are travelling, but sadly I do not. I'm also very glad you are keeping a blog because i still often wonder what the hell is going on with you, but I have somewhat inconsistant scheduling in my pathetic life.

May you be lucky and only slightly lost on your journey!

Posted by: David at August 11, 2004 05:53 PM

Hey David!
Welcome back from Japan man! Now that is a trip I wouldn't be able to do as easily as you. That language barrier would slow me down, but... I still would like to see some of the stuff you've seen.

Maybe some time in the future, you, the Jeffer, and myself can all take a little ride cross country, if only for a long weekend.

Who knows what the future holds!

Posted by: Cyclops at August 11, 2004 06:01 PM

Of course, with today being D-Day, you get rain.

Anyhow... You know you have my best wishes. Go kick some roadway ass!

Posted by: Jeff at August 12, 2004 09:17 AM

Good Luck, Dave! Hope you're bringing a camera as well. I can't wait to see what you're going to see.

Posted by: Tricia at August 12, 2004 10:04 AM

Hey you.

I was just thinking of you with the rain and all. I hope your test went well.

I'll miss you sooo much!


Posted by: Allison at August 12, 2004 11:53 AM

Best of luck to you!!! It was a nice surprise to see you today at my door step. Thanks for stopping in to say good bye.

Posted by: Michele at August 12, 2004 01:21 PM

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